The Young Musician’s Series – Volume 4, Time and Rhythm


Volume 4 introduces students to the basic concepts of time in music.

It is offered as part of a six volume set of music education basics.

Each lesson in this book is self-contained but also leads one to the next (as does each volume).

Its information can be applied to any musical instrument or skill level.


Originally written for children ages 8 to 14, it has been enhanced to include any “young musician” – of any age.



SKU: TBKV04000 Category:


Volume 4, the fifth in The Young Musician’s Series set, was written to introduce students to the basic concepts of time in music.

It begins with a brief definition and consideration of time in music.  This is followed by an explanation of beats.  Volume 4 then advances into an presentation and description of musical meter, the consistent grouping of beats throughout a song.  Details about time signatures – the repetitive organization of beats in a piece of music –  comprise the next lesson.  An exploration of rhythm follows.  Volume 4 then takes a close look at the nature and use of sub-beats (fractional dvisions of a beat).  Finally, a consideration of the character and function of syncopation rounds out the material of this volume.

As with all volumes in this series, each lesson in Volume 4 includes a Review of prior lesson data, a statement of current Lesson Goals, intermittent and final Lesson Reviews, a post-lesson Quiz and independent Projects based on the current lesson’s data.  There are numerous illustrations and  music examples, which are both appealing and a learning aid.



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Lib. Of Congress Card Catalog No.




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Orig. Date Published


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