Finger Style Ukulele Instruction Guide

This one address finger style playing on the uke.

I wrote this for a number of students of mine as they first encountered the added complexity of playing finger style on the instrument.

I started out planning to write on a short article. However, as I worked on the guide, the subject become more expansive and this booklet is the result.

It was written for the advanced beginner. All material is presented in TAB format.

All material in these booklets is either original with the author or in the public domain.

As with my other instruction guides, this is intended as a supplement to any standard method book, with greater focus on plucking hand finger placement and dexterity.

More specifically, this guide first introduces the subject of finger style playing on the uke, followed by description of types of stroke, exercises with one, two three and four finger picking and a number of auxiliary playing techniques.

Each booklet comes with a CD of its contents, providing examples of each exercise and for playing along.

If you would like a copy of this new booklet, the price is $10, without CD, in which case, I will email you the PDF. For $15, I will include the CD and mail the printed booklet to you.

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