

This article on Improvisation offers a detailed guide to creating technically sound, musically interesting and aesthetically pleasing musical improvisations.

It offers many possible actions that you can take when improvising.

After first exploring the simpler options, the more advanced approaches are presented.

The article begins with an overall plan to design your improvisation.

This is followed with the individual categories of notes, intervals, scales and chords and their interrelations.  Each is separately examined, with useful definitions and supporting detail and with many specific actions suggested.

Learn from the wealth of musical detail provided and truly gain a sound footing when it comes to your own unique improv.




The Improvisation article was written to provide a guide to this often seemingly vague subject.

Relatively simple things to do are presented first, followed by more technically advanced material and related options.

The article begins with definitions of essential song components.

This is followed with a variety of simpler, initial approaches to improv, including manipulations of time, volume and pitch.

After these, more advanced improv steps are explored, beginning with a specific and detailed plan for designing your improvisation.

Individual categories of notes, intervals, scales and chords and their interrelations are then separately examined.  Each category is itself further divided into numerous components, carefully presented so as to make sense and to be easily applied.

Extensive appendices round out this article, putting a vast amount of musical information together in concise form, thus allowing you to experiment with many different musical combinations.

Additional information

Product No.



Adv. Beginner – Advanced

Notation Type

No. Of Pages







Orig. Date Published


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