Essential Intervals Familiarization Plan


Intervals form the building blocks of chords, yet there is little material generally available to meaningfully improve one’s grasp of them.

This familiarization plan is a structured exploration of the usual intervals found in our more popular genres of music.

It progressively develops a real sense of these intervals, both as played, as seen and as heard.

You will become far more adept at implementing them in your playing as a result of working your way through this guide.





An interval is a musical distance, measured from one pitch through another pitch.

There are quite a few of them when fully listed.

Some of these intervals, however, are far more commonly used than others.These more common intervals would be those constructed from the pitches or degrees (relative positions) in a Major and minor scale. They form the building blocks of chords, yet there is little material generally available to meaningfully improve one’s grasp of them.

This familiarization plan was written to accomplish just that result. It is a structured exploration of these more usual intervals found in our more popular genres of music. It progressively develops an in-depth sense of each of these intervals, both as themselves and in many different combinations with others.

As a result of working your way through this guide, you will become far more adept at implementing them in your playing.

This will manifest in more interesting and informed melodic and harmonic choices in your performances.

Additional information

Product No.



Intermediate – Advanced

Notation Type

No. of Pages






Orig. Date Published


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