Harmonica Instruction & Exercise Guides


I recently finished revising “The Ten Hole Harmonica” instruction and exercise guide. This workbook has been in use for years in local Adult Ed classes, as well as in private lessons, to very good results.

I also just completed the follow-up harmonica booklet, named “The Advanced Ten Hole Harmonica”.

This latest guide builds on what is presented in “The Ten Hole Harmonica”. It advances into more sophisticated patterns of single and double hole playing. It explores the techniques of tongue-blocking, bending, position playing, accompaniment approaches and the use of ornaments.

Both guides come with companion CDs, which provide an audio version of the exercises and songs.

All material in these booklets are original with the author or in the public domain.

If you would like a copy of this new booklet, the price is $15, without CD, in which case, I will email you the PDF.

If you would like the CD included, I would mail the booklet and CD to you for a price of $20.

Since this release, I’ve written the “Advanced Ten Hole Harmonica” guide as the sequel. There’s a lot of harmonica skills addressed in it. A brief summary would include scales information, numerous single-hole exercises, legato and staccato playing, tongue blocking, bending, position playing, musical ornaments and accompaniment options.

Same price as the “The Ten Hole Harmonica”.

I’ve also since written a blues harmonica training guide. It’s called “Blues on the Ten Hole Harmonica” and digs into the basics of playing blues on the harmonica.

Its content includes a walk-through of historically important harmonica players, blues formats theory, pentatonic and blues scales, a review of position playing, bending, many blues note and blue riff exercises, a study of intros, turnarounds and endings, tips on soloing and an original song.

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